Sunday, January 11, 2009

plenty of fish in the sea?

Fresh guacamole, sunshine for days…this is the life!  I’m definitely glad I ditched NYC, no matter how long and annoying the flights were.  Now that I’m here, even multiple 3 hour layovers seem well worth it.  It’s like I forgot that “winter” in other parts of the world were actually tolerable.

Anyways, I have been feasting while on vacation, I had to take a hiatus from my pseudo-vegan eating for a more practical diet while on vacay.  So now I’m sticking to a pesce-vegetarian diet. I know it’s stupid (since I’m on vacation) but it feels weird not going to the gym or working out.  Why is it so difficult to just relax?  I know I should let my body enjoy the break from my normal exercise regime, but I still feel guilty.  Even if I do booze and feast to the max, I doubt 3 days could do that much damage – although my level of exertion here pretty much consists of turning pages and lifting my fork to my mouth, haha…but isn’t that what vacation is all about?  I’ll kick my ass at the gym when I get back. 


So, back at the villa I had some more dried fruit – these kiwis are AWESOME!  And in case you’re wondering, that’s Angelina Jolie’s head under the fruit.  Then, since everyone else was just vegging out until dinner, I decided to go for a walk/jog around the neighborhood.  Yeah, I know, after everything I just said, I still couldn’t help but feel like I should do something physical.  It’s not like it felt like a chore because I wanted to, the problem is the “should” in my previous sentence.  Why do I feel like I should?  When other people have down time, I don’t think exercise is the first thing that comes to their minds, and yet, when I have down time, I just feel like doing something that gets my heart pumping and endorphins flowing.  I can’t decide if this is weird or not.  Anyways, it felt GREAT!  I managed to learn the area a lot better while exploring surrounding roads/loops.  And even though I was only out about 20 mins, since it was really hilly, I know I worked out a bunch of different muscles.  When I got back I had a big glass of CHOCOLATE soy milk and jumped in the hot tub :)

For dinner we went to the water front, and ate a place called Alexander (standard Mexican/American dining).  We started with a bottle of Malbec wine (a red grape normally part of a Bordeaux), which was the best I’ve tasted in a while. 


I got the mixed salad as an app (tomato, beets, avocado, etc) and a hot roll.  Both good, nothing stellar.


For dinner I got grilled sea bass (the orig. portion was bigger but I split it with my mom).  She couldn’t finish hers, so I had most of hers, too.  The rice was blah, I think I had, like, a bite.  The veggies were veggies, nothing new.  The sea bass was great, but I felt so bad eating it.  I’m not sure if it’s because it’s been SOOO long since I’ve had meat, or what, but it really felt awkward.  I am definitely ready to go back to being a true vegetarian after this vacay.  Fortunately, while my sis and I were out on the open sea earlier today we found a nylon hat floating in the water, and scooped it out and brought it back to land, so I am considering that my “animal rescue” for the vacation.  Sure, maybe saving one fish is small beans, but it makes me feel a little better about abandoning my vegetarian ways for convenience.  Who knows, maybe I saved a whale!

The rest of the night we played games.  So fun.  And btw, my sister and I ROCKED my parents in Catch Phrase.


  1. I am 100% jeal of your amazing vacation eats :)

    Chocolate soy milk and hot tub are a perfect post workout treat!!

  2. Wow, yum, yum yum, especially those cool looking dried kiwis on Jolie's head. LOL

  3. OMG amazing vacay! I know what you mean about working out on vacation..but you're completely right- no matter WHAT you eat, 3 days is no biggie!! That's awesome you went on a walk and sometimes I realize how nice it is to forego the gym when it isn't there!

  4. That is definitely what vacation is all about! Enjoy. :D
    Loving the dried kiwi by the way.
