Monday, January 12, 2009

breath taking

I can’t even put into words the gorgeous views I have been taking in over the last couple of hours…literally took my breath away.  I was also running up and down a mountainside though, so that may have contributed a bit…

I set out to go on a 30-45 minute run and literally lost myself in the beauty of the landscape.  The time flew by, and if my playlist hadn’t ended I may have kept running forever.  I was just so caught up in the scenery, I felt on top of the world. 


Here’s the view of part of where I ran from our villa – see the brown stone wall way on the tippy top of the hill (zoomed in below).  Yeah, I was way up there!  Imagine what THOSE views were like…I can’t even put it into words.  Clear blue ocean and sky forever…


I so wish I had my camera on the run…but then, I was also dripping with salty, sunscreen-y sweat, which may not be so good for the camera. 

I jumped in the pool when I got home because I was freakin’ HOT…only to discover our pool was, like, 40 degrees.  Holy crap, I almost got frost bite!  I literally think I was in and out of the pool in less than 5 seconds! 


Post run snacks.


I L-O-V-E dried fruit, and these kiwis are totally rocking my world!


This was my first of several mugs of chocolate soymilk…I just didn’t see the point in taking multiple pics of the same thing. 

The rest of the day: reading, hot tubing, showering, reading, dinner.


Sorry this photo is SO horrible.  We went to a place called Mariscos Mazatlan for dinner, and it was just me and the parents (my sis flew home this afternoon).  I was so hungry by the time we got there, I was inhaling the chips by the handful, which is why taking a picture only occurred to me after the basket was nearly empty.  I think I may have had enough chips for all of 2009 on this vacation.  Seriously.


The size of the fish on this plate should have been enough of a warning…and yet, I cleaned my plate.  Bad news.  I’ll let you use your imagination, but it’s suffice to say I was running for the bathroom as soon as we got back home.  Pretty sure fish is also done for 2009.  My dad’s plate was even bigger, if you can believe it.


Back to snowy NYC tomorrow…so sad :(


  1. HA sorry about the fish troubles- but honestly that always happens to me in mexican restaurants, and you're in mexico so whatevs! They usually grill stuff with a bunch of oil or whatever so it's kinda heavy..Anywho sorry you have to leave i'm soo jealous of your trip! It's reminding me of my cabo spring breaks :D

  2. Hi Elise!! Looks like you're enjoying your time in Cabo! I noticed the weather cleared up nicely as my hubby and I were leaving. I was so sad to go :-( Everyone there is so amazingly nice and warm!

    Oh looking through your previous posts. I noticed that you went whale watching. Me too!! we went on a pirate ship (that's in one of your photos). haha! your family's villa located on the land near the famous arch?

  3. Beautiful pictures again!! Sorry to hear about your fish troubles :( That is definitely no bueno!
