Friday, January 30, 2009

insert profanity here

WDE.  (I’m in a TLA mood). 

For those who aren’t too UTD…

Translations: worst day ever, three letter acronym, up to date

But in order to preserve my sanity I will do minimal venting here.  Remember the same horrible co-worker I b$%^ched about a few months ago?  Well, he’s AGAIN up to his evil, sly, scheming ways, and since his lazy apathetic nursing care was compromising the patients, I was forced to do my work AND his just to make sure certain people didn’t die.  AHHHHHHHHH!!!  I could have killed him.  I have never sworn at work before, but today I had to run into the pyxis room to scream.  Eff his effing lazy ass.  It’s aggravating just thinking about it.  Ok, breathe, relax, repeat.

Foods for the day.

AM coffee, duh.

Lunch “turkey,” hummus, and bell pepper sando.


Plus odwalla bar, figs, carob raisins, and apple.


And more coffee x2.

Thank god I had Twilight to read on the subway ride home, it really calmed me down.  I’m trying to stretch out the end because I don’t know what I want to read next.

Dinner was a mini-mexi fiesta.


I heart Amy’s burritos.  They are the perfect last minute meal…or in my case, quarter of a meal.


Veggie and black beans with half an avocado, greek yog, and salsa.

The second part of my dinner was an AMAZING bean chili concoction I made.  Heather was my inspiration for making it from its dried form.  And it WAS as easy as she said!


16 different beans, WOW!


Water and beans, that’s it.


I can’t believe I ate half a pound of beans.  That may be BNB (bad news bears) later tonight  :P


I mixed in greek yogurt and even MORE avocado and salsa.  For anyone who is thinking greek yog seems a super weird thing to have in mexican food, don’t hate.  Plain chobz taste like sour cream.


Check out this “creamy” chili.  I’m so proud of my last minute creation.

Dried fruit for deezer, APU (as per usual).


Dried pineapples and coconut date rolls.  Heaven.


Thanks for bearing with my ranting and abbrevs.  And also thanks for all the sweet comments regarding my profile info.  I honestly love  how supportive the blogging community is.  Even if I am blogging for nobody besides myself, it’s nice to know that there are others out there who struggle with the same challenges in life, whether they are related to work, food, family or friends.


  1. GF - I love the abbrvs! WTF can you report that coworker?! Now I have to go through the past posts to find the 411 on this man!

    Gotta love that Amy, she knows about a burrito or two. Yum to the chili holmes :)

  2. TOTES loves the abbrevs :D That is ridic about the work thing, i freakin' HATE slacker co workers i've had my share! OMG thanks soo much for your reply too, I can't believe your whole story, path to becoming a nurse...I'm hopefully headed the same direction :D AND UCLA, wassup girl let me know next time u come back out, i went to USC haha! Have a fab weekend, give me your email when u get a chance

  3. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about the bad day. Hang in there, and keep your chin up. The day is over with. =)

  4. Sorry your day didn't go well! But today is a brand new day ... hooray : )

    That bean soup looks very good ... I love all different kinds of beans together like that, I think it's fun! haha.

    Hope despite your bad Friday that you have a GREAT weekend!
