Monday, January 5, 2009

It must have been the gym

I’m pretty excited to be using Windows Live Writer since I’ve been hearing all about how amazing it is for the last few months.  Hopefully, I too, will have nothing but the highest praises for it.  Only time will tell.  But for now, I’ll stick to the day’s eats.

I slept in, so the morning was already going well.  Then I had some coffee (Starbucks’ x-mas blend) with lactaid, while I enjoyed the first 2009 episode of The View.  Don’t hate on the guilty pleasures :)


Later I decided to give in to my stomach, so I made some of what I was really craving…Food for Life’s English muffins.  I couldn’t find the Ezek 4:9 ones that I got last time and loved so much…but I’m sure these will be just as delish (they already have me drooling and they are still frozen)!!


Slather on some hummus and that’s what I call breakfast.


What a heavenly start to the day.

For the next 5 million hours I was struggling with Windows Live…no joke.  I’m either a tech retard or my computer sucks at life because this installation was the complete opposite of smooth.  Anyways, I took a break from my labor intensive downloading to eat some lunch.  As I predicted, the Food for Life English muffins were pretty much all I could think of.  Ummm, I’m in love!? 


These are my sando ingreds (romaine lettuce, smart deli “turkey”, and Sabra hummus)…def finished the hummus container and opened a new one.


Now is this a beautiful picture, or what?!  Holy YUM.


The hummus was underrepresented in my sammie, so I had a bit more with some apple slices and then brocc (and 2 lonely cauliflower florets).  I freakin’ love Sabra hummus. 


Since I was still unable to get my blog crap working, I decided some exercise would be good to get my mind off my annoying computer situation. 

Lately I have been insanely energetic at the gym.  Not a bad thing, maybe I’m getting in better shape or something?  I warmed up running 30 mins on the tread mill and then switched to the elliptical machine, which I did for 30 mins also at a high level resistance.  After that I cooled down walking on the tread mill, then headed to the mats.  After half an hour of stretching, arms and ab work, I was ready to go home. 

It must have been the gym that cleared my head, because after the time-out, my computer was suddenly ready to work again.  Hooray!  Windows Live Writer comin’ at’cha!!!!

I did some errands in the neighb and then got my dinner under way.  I was the mood for greens.  Salad time!!!


Spinach, brocc slaw, dried cranberries, cherry tomatoes, and my NEW ingredient…Diced Chik!!!


I’m nervous/excited to try it.  Being canned, I was skeptical from the start.  The good news: the sodium level isn’t horrible, and the rest of the nutritional info looks pretty good.  The bad news: it looks weird.


Fortunately, I am a pretty open minded eater when it comes to vegan food.  I mean how bad could it be, when it’s not made from any animal products…


Here it is all mixed together.  I also added these on top…


Yummy!!  I really liked the chik in the salad.  It doesn’t have a very strong flavor, which was nice.  I’d imagine it tastes a bit like seitan, but not as hard.  Anyways, I really wanted more, so I made another salad EXACTLY like the one shown above (no photo).  It was just as good, and filled me right up. 

I finished the night off with tea and water.  Yup, I’m snapple free in ‘09. 


  1. Hey thanks for your comment! Windows live writer is the shiiz nit :D The flat out wraps are AMAZING, I can't find them anywhere near me, so another blogger sent them to me! Otherwise I just use WW tortillas- ezekial ones are tasty. Have a great night girl!

  2. Glad everything worked out for you with the Windows Live Writer. Seriously, I'm two days in and it's changed my life!

    You are one hummus lovin' lady. Sabra is definitely the best and I have never thought to put on an English Muffin?!?! Gotta try!

  3. What is chik?! being vegan I'm always on the lookout for quick/easy products like this....

  4. Windows Live Writer is AMAZING! I can't believe you were struggling with it, hopefully it will be smooth sailing from there. :)

  5. I've never even heard of that Chik stuff before! I'm going to go on a quest for it!

  6. I know was such a random find! I had never heard of it, and was actually looking for Quorn, since I have seen that on so many other people's I grabbed this after I scrapped my other search. It's made by's a website:

    the only downside is, it's $$$
