Wednesday, January 21, 2009

don’t judge a fig by it’s cover

I’ll admit, I love fig newtons/bars, but the thought of eating a fig alone was not too appealing…They just look weird.  But after seeing Erin’s picture of the fig’s cross section, I was intrigued...could their be a delicious fruit hiding beyond these hideous exteriors?? 


Turns out, they are way yummmmm!  Maybe even a new fave dried fruit? (and that’s tough company)


As I was doing my daily food blog surfing, I came upon a contest I couldn’t ignore!  Everyone should check out Oh She Glows, since well over half the products I now obsess over on a daily basis are a result of advertising just like this (so I am all for it)!!  My new love for figs even inspired my contest entry :)

Anyways, since I’ve been getting a few questions about my frothy coffee, I decided to share with you by BFF.  Introducing Caffe Froth…


It’s by Bonjour and is SO simple, it’s silly that I even go to Starbucks at all anymore!!


Add milk to the line.


Pump a few times.


And voila!

Easy Peasy!  Anyways, onto breakfast…I had a couple of figs, followed by this divine creation.


Ezekiel English muffin with (non-recalled) peanut butter and MarieBelle hot chocolate sprinkles.  Whoa.  I’m not sure words can adequately describe this mouth-watering, savory, goodness.  HOLY freakin’ yum!!!

Nothing will EVER top this breakfast. 

So, by the time noon rolled around, I wasn’t even really hungry for lunch.  I ended up just having a snack.


Vanilla o’soy with raisins.  Tasty!


  1. Oh wow, what a beautiful cup of coffee! Love it!
    And raisins in yogurt? YUM!

  2. Okay between the coffee, the ezekiel, and yogurt you've made me drool ;)

    Good to know the figs are good - I'll admit, they don't look very pretty!

  3. I have been too scared to try the figs by themselves! Maybe I will finally get up the courage! I love dried it seems like I will naturally love them? The caffe froth looks awesome....mmm I may need to purchase one ;) LOVE the name of your blog- too cute.

  4. Thanks for posting about the bonjour frother. I gotta get one now. ;-)

  5. I'm so glad you loved them! :) Aren't they a fun texture, with those little seeds inside?! I love them! What are your other favorite dried fruits?
