2) My patients were making me craaaaaaaaazy!!
3) My subway train was stuck at the 50th street station (no express trains on weekends - BOO!!) because my car's door wouldn't close properly. It added an extra 30 minutes to my already horrible commute. Sweet. I was about to pass out because my stomach was eating itself.
ANYways...I was starving by 10 and I was out of odwalla bars (sad), so I stole some food from the extra hospital breakfast trays (even more sad). Not so hot. And yes, that is a Splenda (shh, don't tell).

Total is kinda blah without something sweet (good thing Lactaid is also pretty darn sugary). I also added in some raisins from my pre-packed lunch.

Here's my lunch. Same old same old.
It stopped snowing by the afternoon, so I braved the cold and darted across the street for a Bruno's soup. I honestly, can't for the life of me, remember what kind of soup it was!! I always order the vegan option, so I guess I kinda zoned out when I got to the counter...either way, it was delish as Bruno's always is!!

Heart it.
Plus my yummy smart deli "turkey" sando (this time with an extra somethin' somethin'). Yup, I added hummus to break out of the mold. Watch out.
By the time I got off work, I was about to eat the first thing I could get my hands on...this is dangerous overeating/binging territory for me. So, I tried to go to Whole Foods with a semi-game plan and be mindful while shopping.
No such luck. The second my eyes landed on this, I knew it was all over.
WW tandoori naan! Could there be a more perfect carb? (Answer=no!)
I started slow, but let's be honest, there is no way I wasn't going to finish the whole thing. I was starving after all...below is 1/3 of a piece of naan.
(So multiply that by 12 and there's my carbo loading for the night) Yep, I finished the rest of the hummus AND all 4 massive naan pieces.
Last bite :(
And that was just the appetizer.
As if that weren't enough...I got a huge container full of 4 different types of tofu (baked plain, sweet and sour, bbq, and lemon pepper). I was f-u-l-l after a few bites, but for some reason I forged ahead.
Don't worry, I only managed to get through a quarter of the box (which is way deeper than it looks btw) before I called it quits.
Two cups of tea. So full. Bed time.
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