MERRY X-MAS EVE!!!!!!!!!
As of this morning, today was looking like a near disaster...but wouldn't you know it, the day quickly turned absolutely AMAZING!
Somehow I managed to hit snooze without realizing it, so when I looked at the clock and it said 6:33 am, I FREAKED out! My shift starts at 7. That's kinda a problem. I called the unit to give them a heads up that I was running a bit late (understatement much?) and then hauled ass to get my butt on the subway.
I was trying not to stress, since there wasn't much I could do at that point, but I was looking at my watch literally every 15 seconds.
Anyways, by the time I got to work, I was only 20 minutes late! Plus, the night nurse who was giving me her patients loves me, so she was pretty cool since I felt horrible and kept apologizing.
The funny part is I am always the first one to arrive at work, it's a running joke that "late" for me is only 15 minutes early. What can I say, I like being prepared, I like being punctual, and I don't like starting the day off behind. So I got to work and there were 8 (yes, EIGHT) nurses there (for only 10 patients). I guess they totally overbook staff on the holidays as a present to us, since it sucks to be running around like a psycho when everyone else is home opening presents. Plus there are hardly any patients on the unit anyways (who wants open heart or lung surgery on Christmas)?
Thus: excess staff + patient shortage = fabulously stress-free shift
I only had 2 patients (easy, nice ones too) and I was working with 2 of my lovely girlies.
Obviously, running so late, I didn't have time to make coffee or stop on the way to work, so I had to suffer without coffee for the first few hours of work (my poor patients, morning elise can be rough). At 9, I ran outside and got coffee and a HUGE water. I'm so proud of myself for my water consumption lately. It wasn't snowing, in fact it wasn't too cold.
I had a late lunch (3 pm). See below.
Last night when I was making my sando I didn't realize I was out of smart deli meat until I had spread mustard and chobani on each slice...improvise!!!
It ended up turning into a (s)BLT: soy bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Not too shabby, but by lunch time, the bread was pretty soggy from all the tomatoes. Still tasty!

I also had a veggie tray (the kitchen brought up a veg meal for a non-existent patient) - score for me! The tuna scoop in the middle was even mayo free :)
Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, brocc, and about catching up on my greens. Oh happy day!
I got another coffee for the rest of the shift, and by the time I got back from my lunch, the day was nearly over. As a Christmas present, my coworkers took over my patients for the last hour, so I could leave early...since I'm working tomorrow :(
So sweet. I was out of the hospital by 6 pm. Arrive late, leave early, best shift ever!?!
Once I got home I snacked on some corn nuts from whole foods. I don't think these are healthy, but they are too freakin' good for me to care.
I called Kyle and my fam to pretend I was there...then I got to work making dinner.
Salad with romaine, grape tomatoes, edamame, and raisins.
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