So I ended up going to Dunkin' Donuts :( and ordering a small black coffee and a HUGE water. I've got a aisle seat, kids, no worries!
Here's my bag of goodies for the plane...odwalla bar, apple, and music. I tried to fall asleep, but that was a no go, thanks to the rows of children (and the coffee). I have never looked at my watch so many times on a flight, my god, I was eager to get home. When I arrived the entire fam was there to pick me up (well all the girls at least). The '95 van on it's last legs was loaded with my mom, 2 sisters, grandma, and 2 aunts!!! We all drove into San Francisco to see my sister's new apartment and then headed home.

My parentals hadn't yet stocked up on the necessary vegan supplies, but they did have lactose free milk, so I dug into a big bowl of Life cereal. I was gonna do banana slices, but I was lazy.
I LOVE seeing the fam. I was so happy that my whole mom's side was visiting from Southern CA, too. We played guitar hero on my sister's Wii that she brought home with her, and I'm pretty sure I missed my calling. Drums, not so much, but the guitar, I was really in my element (if I do say so myself)!! After a few too many repeats of Michael Jackson, my sister and I headed to the store for the ingreds for TACO NIGHT!!! My fam does taco night right.
Here were some of the new products I got to try out (Cheddar Veggie Shreds and Yves Ground "meat").
Here were some of the new products I got to try out (Cheddar Veggie Shreds and Yves Ground "meat").
After the grocery shopping I decided to head out for a jog, since I was kinda going crazy after the flight. I hate sitting for such long periods of time, I just get all stir crazy. I also really wanted to take FULL advantage of being in an area with nice enough weather to run outside without losing a limb to frost bite. I have done the run to my elementary school a million times, so I wasn't too concerned that it was dark out. What I didn't take into account was being blinded by oncoming cars' headlights. Such a frustrating run. I kept having to stop so I wouldn't trip after the blaring lights of oncoming traffic. The route is only about 3 miles (round trip) but it took me practically 30 minutes to do it because of all the stopping and going. Still, it felt good to work up a sweat, and I was happy that I did it. After I showered it was time to open presents!
I got a new camera!!!!!!!! It is SO cute, and now I don't have to steal Kyle's! I'm so so excited. Oh, and I also got new slippers. What a perfect holiday!
So dinner was running a little late after all the festivities. But once my Dad got underway making taco shells, it was GO time. I was WAY ambitious in my taco making...I ended up just turning mine into a burrito (I opted for a sun dried tomato tortilla instead of the shells my Dad was frying in the veg oil). I should have gotten a side view since you can't tell how much crap I heaped onto it. The not visible ingreds that are piled on top of each other are: veggie refried/pinto/black bean mixture, meatless ground "meat," avo, salsa, veggie cheddar shreds, and then the lettuce and tomato.
YUMMMM...so full. I couldn't even roll the thing up! It was amazing. I heart being home. After dinner we all played apples to apples. Hilarious. I feel so cheesy, but I honestly couldn't be any happier than being home with my family (ok, I take that back, Kyle arrives in a few days, so then it will be REALLY perfect).
The readers of this lovely blog will notice a serious decline in picture quality when you convert away from my cam! See you soon HHH...