So today was a completely miserable day. Fortunately, writing this blog in hindsight helps me not vent to the extreme that I would have if I were writing it in the moment. Grrr...
Anyways, I packed this lunch the day before.
I had a Bruno's coffee first thing in the morning, as well as a huge bottle of water, then the odwalla Berries GoMega bar for my AM snack.
For lunch I had this Bruno's tomato veggie soup. Not too exciting as far as Bruno's soups go...but still well worth the $.

I also had my same sando: smart deli turkey, lettuce, chobani, mustard, on A street bread.
That held me over until I got off work. But then I headed to Whole Foods, and got this gem, that I couldn't even wait til I got home to open. Vegan chocolate pudding (this is what I want heaven to be like)! I'm on the subway platform in this photo :)

I had a few bites on the train, but then I put it away so I didn't ruin my appetite for dinner. Plus, this pudding is SOOO thick. It reminds me of Betty Crocker's tubs of frosting (which I used to eat with a spoon in my younger years) is extremely rich and chocolate-y.
For din-din I polished off 2 rolls of veggie sushi, with texturized protein, carrots, cabbage, and brown rice. I drizzled soy sauce all over it, too. Love me some salt :)
And then back to the pudding. Since I am HORRIBLE when it comes to moderation, you KNOW this must be decadent, since every bite could have fit in a thimble and I had to down a glass of milk between each one.
Look and the fun shapes I was making with my spork (spoon-fork)!
That spork is cool!