Monday, June 8, 2009

It’s sunny honey

Sunday came and went and I think I hardly blinked!  Normally weekends that I work creep by so sloooooooowly, but this weekend was over in a flash, which is fine by me, since I have Monday off. 

Sorry to the rest of you with normal work schedules!

Back to Sunny-day, though.


SO excited to try my cute ‘lil tub-o-Tribe hummus. LOVE me some humdaddy, right Brooke!

I sliced an apple up for increased dunking pleasure, but the hummus made it’s way to the salad more than anything else…


I also had a new CLIF flav – Cranberry Apple CherryMr. Clif can do no wrong.  It was the perfect chewy consistency, kind like a cobbler, but in bar form.  Blueberry crisp is still my number one, but this will def be purchased again. 

There are dried papaya spears and organic sugar coated ginger cubes in the bag on top (that’s so effing foggy it can hardly be considered a ziplock).  Let’s just say, I can prob skip the Kombucha for today because of all the probiotics growing on that year old baggie. 

At what point does the excuse of being a hippie cross the line to becoming a homeless person?

I may just be there.  And yet, I still saved the baggie for tomorrow.

Nothing too thrilling to report on the job front.  I had one patient sign out AMA today (against medical advice), but he wasn’t a cardiac surgery patient, so I wasn’t too worried.  He was one of the psych patients I mentioned yesterday…and seriously HOW do you reason with a man who says he has to leave because in the middle of the night someone put a knife to his throat?  Ummmm…pretty sure that’s not in the night RN’s job description.  I managed to convince him to stay for a few IVs worth of electrolytes, but after a lifetime on acid, there’s only so much of the liver you can salvage in 48 hours…if you haven’t heard of hepatic encephalopathy, look it up – if that doesn’t convince you to stay off drugs, I don’t know what will.


By the time I got home, my tummy was grrrrowling, so I threw a plate of randoms together asap, including:

My last home-made seitan cutlet :(

A shredded zucchini, broccoli slaw, and carrot salad (vampires beware – I took off my knuckle with the peeler, so there was some added iron in there too…). 

Alvarado Street bread with the rest of the Sabra hummus solo.

THEN (as if I hadn’t already reached my hummus capacity for the day…) I opened another SABRA container.  Can you believe this was my first time I trying the roasted red pepper flavor!?!?


Holy Yum!  I couldn’t stop myself from chowing down.


After this slice, I couldn’t stop!  I had THREE more!



While I ate, Kyle turned on True Blood (apparently he discovered Season 1 On Demand, and made his way through 8 episodes this weekend…).  See, I’m not the only one with an addictive personality!  Obsessed much?  Next thing I know, I got sucked in (pun VERY intended). 


Dessert #1


Dessert #2


Dessert #3 – ick!  Sorry Erin, but these are just not able to satisfy my PM sweet tooth.  I can handle one piece MAX, and then I start coughing hacking up a lung.


  1. First commenter!! woopwoop!

    Why haven't I tried the roasted red peppa humdaddy?? Mother Cynthia wants to try it too but I am just addicted to the pinenut one!

    So I just read about that nasty liver thing and am officially freaked out and want to cleanse my liver or something now. But it's not like I'm on Haight hittin' up the LSD with some hobos, so I think I'm pretty safe. For now.

    Your job seems so damn intense!! Do you work night shifts?? Why you so hardcore mami?!!?!??!

    Love ya ginga suga!

  2. My parents love those ginger candies but I am not a fan at all! I have roasted red pepper in my hummus and seeing yours has made me hungry for lunch...but it's only 9am. Hepatic encephalopathy is scary..did he have asterixis? I have yet to see that in person.

  3. Not to get all serious on you, but God bless you for having the patience to do your job each and everyday. It would literally make me insane...or eat a tub of hummus ;)

  4. Yep, I reuse my baggies, too... just put 'em in the fridge and they won't fuzz!

    Ari and I are the same way with Netflix episodes online... we watch five a day, no problem.

    Oh, and Elise... maybe you should start carrying a switchblade in your scrubs. Gotta be safe!

  5. What a cute little hummus container! I would have just eaten it with a spoon but hey, to each their own ;)

    I feel so in the know for knowing what hepatic encephalopathy was - I'm SO SMRT!!! Roasted red pepper is so good!

    Enjoy your day off, love pie!

  6. OMG Sabra's Roasted Red Pepper may just be my favorite of that brand! The Supremely Spicy is quite delish as well :)

    Ohhhh True Blood, I watched the ENTIRE first season (10 episodes) in ONE day last year...and if I'm not mistaken, the next season starts this Sunday!! I love it, can't wait!

  7. I'd be downing those hummus cups like shots! I have a *ahem*slight*ahem* obsession with red pepper hummus...currently trying to forget that there is a tub in my fridge begging to be opened!

    That liver stuff sounds nasty! I don't drink/do drugs, but...owch. Don't envy the guy (or you, having to deal with it!) YAY for days off!

    Thanks for the cheese info- we don't get that kind here but wll keep experimenting...

  8. Ohh, good choice! I love me some red pep hummus, but I always get the roasted garlic since it mixes so well with everythang! Have you ever tried the pine nut flav?? I saw it the other day at a basic grocerey store, so I KINDA want to try it, but I also can't stray from the roasted garlic! I did for a week with some similar TJ's hummus and it was good, but not the same!

    Can we send a petition to SABRA and have them make a ginorm carton with 48934801 servings!? All the food bloggin' ladies can sign it! Holla! I just hate having to buy a new one every 1, 2, 3, 4 days! Depending on how hummus-hungry my mom and I are!

    And I love hearing about your job! I'm sure it never gets too boring with all the of patients and their stories/backgrounds/personalities!

    Ps-thank you for the book rec! I'll definitely pick up me talk pretty veryyyy soon! And I usually use the tofu that my mom buys! it's called san diego tofu-firm style! My dad uses wildwood (?) though, and I like that one too!

  9. you got some serious yum going on there!

  10. I just tried sugar coated ginger for the first time and am in love. Its such an odd taste but theres something about it that keeps me coming back! Hooray for hummus! I think the red pepper sabra variety is becoming my fav but I like the pinenut version too!

  11. 1. Blueberry Crisp is my fav!!
    2. Roasted Red pep is the best.
    3. True Blood rocks my socks off. Go Kyle!
    4. The sun went away as soon as I started reading your post. fail.
    5. you found meeeeeee hahaha

  12. I had a couple Ziplocs "drying" on my sink handles the other day after I rinsed them out and my friend came over, took one look at me and didn't even ask. My grandma used to wash paper plates, but that was only because she was cheap and not because she was "green"...

    Reading all these other comments kind of makes me feel like it's printed in a different language. I can pick out select words...hummus, work, fruit. Gotta get my slang on, I suppose.

    Ab-dawg out!

  13. Hey --
    Thanks for the comment :)

    As someone with a "normal" work schedule, I envy you your Monday off!!

    (Total aside, but I'm pretty sure Metro prints in multiple places.)

    <3 <3

  14. I can't believe this was your first time trying Roasted Red Pepper! It is my favoriteeee! I can't stop either once I start!

  15. Ish--I don't like the crystallized/sugared ginger either! I know people who love it, but...ewwww!

    Yum! I love me some shredded zucchini in my salads! It is sooooo good and I love the texture too :o)


  16. Well, I can't understand the ginger issue, but let me tell you - I'm on my 4th piece of Alvarado St bread (COVERED IN HONEY) for dinner.
    Ya know!
    Your job = crazy times.
    Thank god for women like you!

  17. You with Hummus and Bread is like me with PB and bread! Can't stop! hahah

    Shredded Zucin salad?! Yum!

  18. Those ginger things are not for me either!

  19. meh i am not really into red pepper hummus. i just prefer things that will make me stinkier such as scallions and gralic.

  20. That is the cutest little container of hummus! I think miniature things taste better, no?

    Don't worry, I've been known to save plastic baggies before...
