blue sky + sun – clouds = snow?
Wait. That can’t be right, can it? Apparently. I DON’T understand how this east coast weather works.
Anyhoo, s’up kiddos! Today was a mill times better than yesterday. Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement…lord knows I needed it today – heading in to work on the weekend (BOO). I decided to skip the ‘bucks this morning since I woke up earlier than I needed to and my stomach was relentlessly demanding “feed me.” I made my own cafe and silk-ed it up big time, vanilla style, yo.
The day started ick, but made a quick turn for the better. You see I was kinda thrown for a loop on my 5 AM commute when I tried to transfer to the L train and discovered it was, in fact, not running today. Can you picture my face when I turned the corner to a roped off platform? I had to walk from 7th to 1st Ave in the 10 degree weather (that’s over a mile). Along the way I was thinking how it’s a good thing I’m so type A, since I always leave ample time for such occurrences…
Then I found a lucky penny (heads side up of course). Woo hoo. This made me smile because we all know I’m superstitious as hell.
“Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck”
It could not have been more true! My patients were all sweethearts, plus I discharged 2 by noon (leaving me with only 1 patient for the rest of the day). I love discharging patients. It makes me so happy to see them leave the hospital. Love.
New bread!!! I tried a new kind of Alvarado Street bread, since normally I get “california style” but it wasn’t avail.
Otherwise lunch was the same old same old (except for the thrilling addition of the pear). My sammie was “turkey,” bell pepps, lettuce, and mustard and greek yog.
Unfortunately I finished my book last night so I was a bit bored after I did the crossword and finished eating…maybe I’ll stop at B&N tomorrow? Any good recs?
Doesn’t this picture just bring a big smile to your face.
“Couldn’t be happier. Right dear”. Anyone recognize the quote?
For dinner I just wanted to be with my K love (sorry for the “pet names” Laura), so I kept the cooking to a min so as to maximize veg out time (Whole Foods)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello baked tofu (a few were consumed pre-photo, and a few more were consumed pre-purchase) – don’t tell on me, I know there are other illegal nibblers out there…
I also made a BIG ‘OL salad with BBQ tofu. I was obviously in a bottomless pit kind of mood – that only tofu could fill. Mmmmmm.
The tea helped ease my stomach as it massively expanded. I can’t WAIT for the SuperBowl tomorrow. Even though my Eagles aren’t in it :( I still love football, so I’ll be watching without fretting about the outcome (silver lining, right?)!
Dessert was this MONSTER of a bar (can I even call it that?…it was more like a free weight). I love these bars from whole foods because I HATE NUTS (there I said it) and they somehow manage to create a massive hunk of dried fruit, nuts and seeds that I can’t put down after one bite. The thing is calorically equivalent to a jar of peanut butter – I mean it’s HUGE…and has peanuts, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, dried apricots, cherries, cranberries, raisins, etc. Ok, how can someone like me, who can’t stand the thought of eating nuts without a little bit of a gag reflex, stomach these, and even more, devour the whole freakin’ thing!? It’s a WF mystery. Clearly, they are just food geniuses.
I was beyond full after this brick settled in my tummy. Time to roll myself to the bedroom.
I may have had a plate of dates, too. Eek! I need to do something physical tomorrow.