Are you a hippie, too?
Looks like green living is making a comeback!
Side note: Earlier today I was enjoying my AM dose of mindless television, when a news brief interrupted the program. Now ordinarily I’d be delighted to hear Obama’s economic words of wisdom, but when they interrupt The View’s green tips…well it takes a bit of the edge off (sorry Mr. President). Since youtube couldn’t fill in the gaps, I decided to post a few myself (these are kitchen specific). As I’ve said before, do what you can, even a tiny change can make a BIG impact, peeps!!!
1. Cut down greenhouse gas emissions: There are lots of small ways to reduce energy use in the kitchen. An electric kettle uses less energy than a stove-top model. Cover the pot when heating water—it will boil faster. Replace old refrigerators and dishwashers with ENERGY STAR rated models. Composting fights global warming by helping keep organic waste out of landfills where it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.
2. Cut down toxics: From plastic wrap to oven cleaners, kitchens are a hotbed of toxic chemicals. Avoid these plastics: Polyvinyl chloride plastic (#3), Polycarbonate plastic (#7), and Polystyrene (#6). As for green cleaning alternatives, avoid products containing harsh chemicals and synthetic scents, and instead try baking soda and vinegar to clean (they work)!
3. Avoid over-packaged products. Choose nature-friendly cleaning products in bulk or concentrated form.
4. Choose washable, reusable towels or cloths over disposable tissue products like paper towels.
5. If you are going to use toxic substances, make sure you dispose of them separately from household garbage since these products should not be land-filled.
**courtesy of Greenpeace
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