Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A tofu kind of day

Okay, what I really should have called this post was a Gliding Calm kind of day…you’ll see why soon enough!  Hint: squash fries, tofu

And now for some complaining…

Yesterday evening the flurries started, but the temperature didn’t stay below freezing, so overnight it turned into rain.  Lemme tell ya, today was gross!  All day long it was POURING outside.  I can’t WAIT to get away from this snow/rain slush and laze about in the sunshine.  I can’t stand this nasty sleet for much longer.  Thank goodness it’s only 3 days until Cabo!!!!  Okay, whining over, I promise. 

Since I was cooped up in the apartment, I had another day filled with cooking.  To start, I gulped down some frothy coffee.  IMG_0151

Since a few peeps have been asking, no, I’m not 100% vegan.  I have only a few allowances, one of which I photographed below.IMG_0156

It is lactose free (since I’m intolerant) and has no antibiotics, no hormones, etc.  Furthermore, I only have it in my coffee, since I actually LOVE (and prefer) soy milk, but know that there has been a lot of research which suggests soy milk can be linked to high levels of estrogen…the moral of the story, everything in moderation.  Also, on a side note, milk froths WAY better than soy milk, not sure why, but it does.  So there you have it.  I’m 95% vegan (fyi my only other exceptions include egg beaters and Greek yogurt).

On to breakfast :)


I had this really creative idea to make (soy) bacon-tofu bites, so I wrapped soy bacon around slices of plain pressed tofu.


Popped them in the oven…and voila!


I  barely got them on the plate before I devoured them!!!  HOLY YUM! 


Crispy, salty, bacon-y…DE-lish!!!! 


Could anything look better than that mini bite of heaven!  I’m not joking everyone should try this.  It’s so easy, and so good.  The tofu absorbs the bacon flavor, and when you bite into it, the soy bacon is crispy, while the tofu is more spongy, so the different textures complement each other perfectly.  SO GOOD.


Later on my sweet tooth got the best of me and I had a raspberry o’soy yogurt.  Num num.  Next, I decided to brave the nasty weather and hit up the gym.  Blah.  I tried my hardest to get motivated, but I just wasn’t into it.  Here’s a brief recap:

Elliptical: 15 mins

Tread mill: 5 mins

Stair climber: 30 mins

Tread mill: 10 mins

Stretching/abs: 15 mins

I’m thinking I may do some arms later at home (now that I have discovered exercise TV) – thanks Quinn!

In the meantime, back to the oven…


More butternut squash!  


Mmmm…Plate #1


Plate #2


Then, for my fave experiment of the day…drum roll please…Gliding Calm tofu!

The marinade can be found on her blog, but I made only a few adjustments.  I used honey as the sweetening agent and nixed the chili sauce (since I didn’t have any)…other than that, just follow her rub and you’ll end up with these lovelies.


Yep, the results were AWESOME.  I’ve been meaning to try this recipe forever, so naturally I was thrilled when it came out so well.  Everyone should seriously try this recipe.


No words…it’s just too tasty to be described.

After that I was pretty full, so I knew dinner would be small.  I ended up having another plate of squash fries and a GN veggie burger.


(I may have dipped a few bites in Sabra hummus…I can’t help it!!)

For dessert I had a big perfect apple and a cup of blueberry green tea. 



If anyone is looking for some tips on how to live GREEN, this is a great website.  The “food” section has lots of good ideas for shopping, cooking, and storage – all economical and environmentally friendly.


  1. yay yay yay!!! thank you so much for trying the recipe and the sweetness you wrote about it! and aren't squash fries THE BEST?! I will add you to the list right away!!!!!!!
    YAY I'm so happy you liked it!!!

  2. I must try squash fries. Note to self: buy squash!

    And don't you just love tofu? Delicious!

  3. I use that tofu! Love your whole dinner.
