Sunday, January 18, 2009

down for the count

Yup, my computer is pretty much done-zo…It’s been struggling for a while now, but when you add on the fact that my internet has been out for nearly a week – it’s pretty obvious why I’ve been on HHH hiatus.  Sadly, I learned a sad pathetic fact about myself during this time…while my computer failed, my healthy eating also went to the wayside.  I seriously ate EVERYthing in the entire apartment, AND managed to gain 25 pounds, too.  Okay, I exaggerated a touch there, but I’m pretty sure I did some may-jah damage.  The worst part was I really missed reading about everyone else in the blog world :(

The TimeWarner people came to take a look and fix our connection.  So (I hope) now all is good again and I can return to normal, both eating and blogging.  I’m too lazy to recap everything, plus I stopped taking photos after a couple days went by and I realized I wasn’t going to get to post anything…let’s just say, the key components of the week were a whole lotta peanut butter, a whole lotta oatmeal, and even more chocolate.  PMSing.  Definitely.

Tomorrow will start anew.  Adios loves.