No work today, woohoo! But, my stomach was unhappy for some unknown reason, so my day off was not so fun. I spent most of it on the couch, and the rest of it in bed. I did manage to crawl to starbucks for a soy latte, which (surprisingly) settled my stomach momentarily.

Later I had some oatmeal. Arrowhead Mills has good stuff. I especially love their oatmeal. I mixed one of the original packets with flax with a maple apple spice packet. Then I added in a hunk of Kyle's peanut butter (BAD Elise), a packet of Stevia, and a handful of raisins.

I swear I took a photo of the entire bowl?!? No idea where that went...

Anyways, I snacked on yogurt covered raisins and dried dates throughout the day. These bags are SO big, and yet I still managed to finish them off like it was nothing.
Kyle made dinner all by himself. Tortilla espanola in honor of my sister (she's abroad in Barcelona). We have made it before. The recipe is so simple, and yet, it's SO good!
All you need is 6 eggs, 1 Idaho potato, 1 yellow (or spanish) onion. First cook the diced potato in a pan with olive oil, then add in the chopped onion. Once the onion is cooked add in the eggs. Naturally, you can season as you want with S+P. After the bottom looks cooked and the eggs are almost cooked through to the top, it's time to flip it (this is a very tricky process, which everyone does differently I think). We found the best way for us, is using 2 pans that are the same size. So when one side is done we just flip it into the other pan until the other side is done.
And here's what you get!

Dessert was kettle corn.

Note to self: Tomorrow I need greens badly, I feel overly carb-y.
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