After that, I was enjoying my day off doing a whole bunch of NADA :)
Then I decided to make some lunch before heading to the gym (it was 1 pm after all...). So I decided to go with a new twist on an old fav. Smart deli soy bacon, egg beaters, and ff Chobani greek yogurt all in a pita pocket! These whole wheat pitas are the cutest things! It was so good.

The box for the smart deli soy bacon looks different, but it is the same thing.

Here's the yummy stuff sizzling on the stove - delish!

And here is the pita with the egg beaters and ff Chobani

And voila! The final product with the soy bacon added in :)
So then I did some errands, yadda yadda yadda...time for the gym. Work out was alright, nothing too amazing. I am still sore and I don't even know why? I still stretch more than anything else, and yet I feel so tight always. So I did the elliptical that is more like a stair stepper. I didn't do a very high level of intensity, but whatever. I did some ab stuff after that followed by even MORE stretching. Followed by MORE errands around town, which naturally ended with....a starbucks run!!!

Notice the "S" and "L" which stands for soy latte, but let me just say, I have been calling this new obsession soylicious, so that's what the letters mean to me.

And later on, I wanted another, but felt guilty for spending the $$ so I tried to make one on my own. It was NOT good. I had like 3 sips, and then dumped it. Now I appreciate Starbucks even more.
Dinner was a sando with hummus and Gary Null's veggie burgers.

Added together, they make a yummy sandwich, so I had 2 of them.

Work tomorrow (on a Saturday) boo.

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