Monday, November 3, 2008

vote vote vote (get out the VOTE)

Monday. Blah. After such a nice, relaxing weekend with my parents in town, the fact that I had to go back to work was a harsh reality. At least I was working with my lovely Miranda. I started off the day with a Bruno's coffee, which was as good as ever. Since, it was just the 2 of us with a full load, I only managed to squeeze in 45 minutes for lunch. Still...I had my typical sando (A Street, smart deli, lettuce, hummus, etc) which I packed the day before.

I also had a baggie filled with corn nuts, along with the rest of the things shown below (apple, raisins)...

The best part about work was my schedule change, so now I have tomorrow off!! I'm going back and forth about if it is actually a good thing or not, since now I have to work Wed and Thurs instead. But it will be nice to watch the election tomorrow all day and get some housework done. I made it to the gym this evening (Mondays are my fav gym days because Gossip Girl is on -- the dirty lives of manhattan's upper east side elite just makes the time fly by).

For dinner I wanted salad, AND I wanted to try out a new ingredient in my salad. I have been craving salad like crazy ever since my parents were here. I think if I go a few days without greens, I go into salad craving overdrive...also, the blog world has been raving about broccoli slaw, which I finally managed to get my hands on.

It is like confetti for your salad!! So even 1/2 cup of it adds so much to a plain salad. I also added some tofu edamame salad and raisins to the mix.

The end product was a massively amazing creation. I'm quite proud it.

Plus a handful of dates for dessert.

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