Saturday, October 25, 2008

rain rain go away

Initially, the plan for today was to be mellow in the AM, and party hard in the PM...BUT the rain would not let up!! Plans for celebrating my b-day got scrapped, and I opted for a pajama party instead ;)
My boyfriend was a real sweetheart and grabbed me a soy misto on his way home from the gym. I was definitely still in bed when he got home!

I was just sitting down to breakfast (ok, the starbucks and the vanilla silk soy milk) and Kyle was already practically out the door for tutoring...I'm such a bum on the weekends.

I went to the gym for a nice solid workout, alternating intensities of cardio. Yeeea!

I had a fully loaded open faced breakfast sando after I got home from the gym. First, I toasted Cali soy A street bread, then I put on a thin layer of blueberry rhubarb jam, followed by eggs fresh of the grill, and finally I slathered on some ff greek yog.

BOMB ass!
Saturday laziness...fill in the blanks...
Dinner was macro and vegan tofu and rice salads and vegan sushi.

It's the same roll I always get with texturized protein, carrots, spinach, etc.

Here's a zoomed in pic of the brown rice with tofu chunks. I have never seen this dish before, which is why I grabbed it. There was a nice contrast of crunchiness with the veggies (carrots, brocc, onions, etc.) with the mixture of brown rice and texturized protein and flavorful tofu chunks. I hope our whole foods starts carrying this more, because it is definitely in my fave 5.

Here's my plate all loaded up with goodies.

I was so full from all this food I didn't even have room for dessert. Now THAT'S rare.

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