Friday, May 1, 2009

Product reviews

I’m writing this while stuck on a plane, half way across the country, bored out of my mind since The Office and 30 Rock have already aired and Kyle’s preoccupied with the Celtics/Bulls game.  Why not blog about some of the latest products I’ve tried?


I was a bit hesitant to try Raw Revolution’s Tropical Mango flavor, since my previous experience with the Chocolate Coconut was not so pleasant.  But I got over it (once I realized my presh odwallas and clifs were done-zo). 


This bar was EVERYTHING short of spectacular.  In no way would I recommend it.  Let’s just say, I should have listened to my inner voices and thrown it in the trash along with it’s brother way back when…

First of all, it was really small.  Second, the consistency was like the offspring of a larabar and a fruit chew (both great parents, I admit, but try to look beyond that part), instead, it’s like the two parents had a hideous demon of a child.  Like Bruce Willis and Demi Moore (sorry Rumor…but you know it’s true).


The bite missing from above ended up in the sink (I couldn’t even get to the trash soon enough)!?!  It had no real flavor at all which is why I had such a visceral reaction to the texture (there wasn’t much else to judge).  Plus I love the Clif bar’s apricot flavor SO much, I think this bar was doomed from the start.

Sorry Raw Revolution, you are 0 for 2.  And I don’t think I’ll be going for #3.

Next up we have Torani’s SF Hazelnut syrup.


This was a gift to me, but I only tried it once and now it’s on time-out in the unreachable part of the cabinets.  In it’s defense, I’m pretty picky about my coffee add-ins.  But I do like the Starbucks SF vanilla syrup, so I thought I’d give this a shot (never mind the fact that I don’t even LIKE hazelnut…).  Well, as I mentioned above, it was only used once, and I doubt it’ll get another shot.  I like my coffee like I like my men Kyle , strong with no fake shiz. 

I almost said nut-free, but then I realized that makes the analogy untrue    ;)

And now for the final product review…and this one is a GOOD one.


Ocean Spring’s Harvest of Heaven Mixed Fruits

I liked so much about these, I hardly know where to begin.  First off, the container is fun to open, it reminds me of a can of tennis balls. 


I was expecting a crunch similar to a banana chip, but they are lighter.  They are crispy without being airy (you know how some products have that empty feeling).  With these you feel like you are eating actual food, but it’s not as substantial as something like trail mix.  Basically it is the perfect thing for me on the subway ride home from work because I always want a snack that will tide me over until dinner but won’t ruin my appetite or make me angry that I wasted calories on an unhealthy snack right before dinner.  The nutritionals are great, and I could easily see myself buying these again and again and again (if I can find them).  I brought them on the flight and Kyle was LOVING them too.  There were several different kinds of fruit and I bet they would be good as add-ins to cereal or oats.  I’m so excited at the possibilities with this product.  A HUGE thanks to Missy for sharing this product and George at Ocean Spring for sending these babies my way.  I can’t wait to try the veggie ones now.


  1. EEEEKKK, so sorry to hear about that bad review of the bar! "I like my coffee like I like my men Kyle , strong with no fake shiz. " LOL!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I typed up this whole comment but then blogger was a douche so here's the bullet points:

    - Ew to the bad bar
    - Rumor Willis is very unfortunate looking
    - Nut free, HAH!
    - Glad you like the crisps
    - Hope you had a safe flight without the oink oink flu!

  3. So glad you liked the fruit crisps! I totally agree with you on the Raw Revolution bars! I tried 2 so far and spit them both out!

  4. Sorry the bar was so bad- I will have to avoid it! I am not a huge hazelnut fan either, vanilla is much better!

  5. Very good to know, about Raw Revolution!!

  6. Hahaha, your Rumer Willis comment made me laugh!

    I too love the sf vanilla syrup at starbucks....but I always feel a little funkayy after, gotta just stick with the real deal I guess! Have fun on your trip!!!
