Monday, November 10, 2008

out on the town

Time for a new starbucks coffee blend - flavor flave!!! Today was my first taste of the serena organic blend. Quite good.

Swirly froth that I enjoyed while watching an old episode of the view (yeah tivo). After 2 cups Uncle Matt called and we decided to meet up at Battery Park for the boat cruise to Liberty Island. I took the subway downtown to Chambers and walked the rest of the way along the water. I thought it was a good idea, but when I got west enough, I quickly realized the wind had a mind of it's own. Suddenly I was shivering and wishing I had on 7 more layers! Ah well...

I brought along this odwalla bar (superfood=my fave) for a snack, which I ended up eating while admiring lady liberty up close.

I'm not sure where the time went, but it seemed like next thing I knew it was 5 pm. We went to Wall Street and then took the subway back uptown. Naturally we stopped at starbucks on the way to my apartment for some warmth in liquid form (soy misto)...and then brought it back to my apartment so we could further heat up while watching MSNBC and CNN. Uncle Matt and Bart then left and I headed to the gym for a so-so work out. I was honestly pretty tired, so it was kinda half ass, but it was something, so can't be too upset.
For dinner I had a salad (in a rut much?) which consisted of everything seen below.

And the end product was a nice big bowl of green.

Dessert was A LOT of dates...about 20+ in total. I tried to eat them over the course of the night, they were just so tasty it was hard to not polish them off in 4 minutes flat.

So tired!

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