Friday, May 29, 2009

drizzle my frizzle

Ugh, my hair is NOT cool with this weather.  NOT cool man, NOT cool.

Today’s food photos are nowhere to be found…I’m not sure where they vanished off to, but the culprit is either my camera or computer (and based on my recent technology-challenged history, it’s the computer).  It’s a shame, too, because I went to Whole Foods on the way home from work (killed the weekly monthly budget), and there were some major food porn pictures from the hot bar.

I guess my computer was jealous of the deliciousness going on, and wanted to eat them too…

Anyways, I have my dessert pictures, so at least there’s that!

First, though, here’s a fun little survey that Nutritious is Delicious tagged me in a few days ago…

1. Picture of where you blog:

Welcome to my “living” room – I put the quotation marks because it’s a New York apartment, and there’s really only one room…so labeling the areas is somewhat arbitrary.


2. Describe the space:

Couch.  Pillows.  The ottoman doubles as a desk for my computer and as a table for my chow seshes. 

A few random things: I rotate between different coasters for my mugs (yes, plural) of coffee, this particular one is from Australia (gift from my sister when she lived there).

Also, the pictures hanging on the wall in the background are all beach/ocean pictures to remind us of home sweet home.


This one I did with oils as a gift to Kyle on our second anniversary (it’s a picture of where he took me (as a surprise) on our first anniversary).

3.  What am I wearing now: PJs (my ever-so-sexy combo of sweatpants + wife beater + slippers)

4. Last read: The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls; Currently reading: The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith

5. Do you ever nap: Nope.  Never.  I’m an insomniac, so if I slept mid-day, I’d never sleep at night.

6. Last hugged: Kyle

7.  Current obsession:  This is hard given my addictive personality…(I’m assuming this question is food related).  If I said hummus, that wouldn’t exactly be accurate, since that’s more of a lifelong infatuation, not some passing whim of an addiction…so, to answer the question, probably falafel (I’m in a bit of a rut right now), and also shredding carrots into ribbon-like noodles.

8.  What’s for dinner?  Haven’t decided yet…we may go out to eat with friends.

9.  Last thing I bought:  Starbucks coffee (at work) and WF hot bar dinner.

10.  Listening to now:  The obnoxious ladies of The View (sadly)   :(

11.  If I could have a super power:  Invisibility?  The ability to fly?  Or maybe the ability to eat and eat and eat and never feel full  (actually, that would be dangerous).  I have no idea.

12.  Favorite weather and why:  Do you even have to ask?!  As if I don’t whine about this enough…

Sunny and warm because I’m a Cali girl and I miss my home state weather!  Plus, I think I have SAD, seeing as how the sun makes me insanely happy regardless of all else in my life (and the rain makes me gloomy)…sorry Portlanders!

13.  Time I wake up:  This varies based on if I’m working or not.  On work days I get up at 5 am, on my days off I wake up whenever…I don’t set an alarm, but it’s usually around 8 am.

14.  Most challenging goal right now:  planning a wedding in CA, while living in NYC.

15.  Fave pair of shoes:  I’ll always go back to my running shoes.

16.  One thing I can’t live without:  Ummmm, Kyle?  Family/friends?  I guess those aren’t “things.” 

Soap.  I could live without a brush – already proved that last week, and I could maybe even survive without a shower (although it would be tough).  But I’m fairly anal about my hands and face being clean.  Maybe that’s a nursing thing…I mean I DO wash my hands 800 times an hour while at work.   It’s amazing I still have skin!  But in all honesty, I try to live my life, so I don’t have an answer to questions like this, since things are just things.  In high school I probably would have said something like my hair straightener, and in college, my cell phone, but now that I’m so much more mature lazier, I have a different set of priorities (if you can call it that, since all my money still goes to Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods, and Starbucks Corporate America).

17.  My bed time:  I wish the answer to this were different…but usually between 12-1 am is when I can finally face plant my pillow.  This is a constant target area for improvement for me. 4 hours of sleep on work nights isn’t acceptable!

18.  One place I wish I could be now:  CA, with my fam/friends or Hawaii (relaxing on the beach) – only 3 more weeks ‘til I’m there!!

**Yes, you read that correctly, I’m going to be in Maui for 2 weeks in June.  Woohoo!

OK, and now, the long overdue dessert pics.


First I had 5(!!) medjool dates stuffed with PB


Then I toasted the heel piece of Alvarado Street bread with peanut butter and carob chips, which melted into this…


Could you just DIE!  This was heavenly (no other word could even come close to describing it).  I wanted to have 25 more slices, but (fortunately) there was no more bread.  I see a grocery trip in my near future!


  1. The melted PB mix looks amazing! Your couch looks super comfy...I desperately need a new one.

  2. Omg I need that peanut butter and carob picture! I am staring at it! It makes up for your missing pictures! Man I am jealous of your big couch! I've never had a living room yet in my 3 apts in NY! No fun!

  3. Dude, my hair was LARGE AND IN CHARGE yesterday! I feel your pain!

    You painted that? My, my, you are a talented girl! Soap - HAHA love that answer! Hawaii? Jeal. Ugh you just killed me with that dessert picture!

    PS. One of my future hubs, Prince Harry (have you heard of him?), is in NYC - I may be coming to your town sooner than planned ;)

  4. #1. I feel ya with this weather and the hair issue.
    #2. Hawaii oh Hawaii! I was there for my honeymoon and wish I lived there! So jealous!
    #3. that dessert is beautiful. simply stunning, my dear.

    have a wonderful weekend! ;-)

  5. Hair is a BIG (literally) problem for me right now. I don't even want to talk about it.

    Weather fail in a mayjah way

    Hawaii you lucky lucky LUCKY girl. I'm offish jealous of that...

  6. Did I read right that you are coming back to da YAY area FOR A WEDDING? When will this be taking place? I am tots down for a wedding crash so I can use you for your open bar and tell everyone I am your cousin's friend's girlfriend.

    That oil painting reassures me that you can go on to using bigger and better art mediums. Ketchup my friend, ketchup.

    My g-parents do infact live in Mill Valley/Greenbrae! My friend who lives in Ross told me that the Penn daughter is a total biznatch. No bueno. But loving on that gay pride, what what?!

  7. I'm (unfortunately) watching the annoying ladies of the View right now too! haha.....I can't handle Barbara's voice!!

    And where in Cali are ya from!??! I think you've mentioned nor cal? I LOVE your NY apartment (it's one room studio and all)! When my brother lived there a few years ago he had the same type of set-up, but it over looked the city, bryant (??) park, etc...and I loved it!!

    But I love that last picture even mouth seriously fell open, and I almost started drooling when I saw it!

  8. You should totally go back to only washing once every 4 days, haha, the (natural) grease will keep the frizz down. Speaking from experience!

    I totally feel you about the insomnia thing. If I even think about a nap I never fall asleep that night. I usually go on 4 or 5 hours too, it's terrible!

    That dessert is killllller.

  9. thank you for that food porn. i needed a little naughty tap to start off the weekend.

    have a good one ;)

  10. I can totally live without a brush...what is a brush for, anyway?!

    The Ladies Detective Agency books are cute! I read a few of them when I was visiting my grandparents a few years ago (my grandma had them around)--I had forgotten about them. I think I read the first 3 or something? I hope you like the one you are reading!


  11. YES, I could die! haha That looks freaking fantastic!

    Loved reading the survey!! :D

  12. Oooh your couch looks so comfy! And that dessert... loooks sooooooo amazing. Ahh I LOVE food porn!

  13. Pantene + ceramic (Chi preferrably) flat iron + water free hairspray.

  14. Did you like the Glass Castle? I've had it on my shelf for-eva.

    I painted my mom a picture that looks just like yours, except there's a lighthouse where your sun is. Strange!

    Also REALLY need to get on that carob train. Melty pb looks so good!

  15. Loved learning a little more about you and your blogging domain:)
    I am so jealous of your trip to Maui!

  16. That's a fun tag! I read "The Glass Castle" a while back and was surprised that I enjoyed it. The material is heavy but I thought she really wrote beautifully. Can't wait to hear what you think.
    Oh, and two weeks in Maui?! So jealous!
