Monday, September 29, 2008

holy BIPOLAR batman!

Some days I just don't like my job. More on that later though.

To start, I made my lunch last night. The normal sando :)

Plus, apple slices and a combo of raisins and yogurt covered raisins.

I left for work early, headed to starbucks for my AM soy latte and before I could blink it was noon and I was barely under way with my work load. Seriously, I can't put into words how insane all my patients were today. Thank goodness I got a venti this morning because I didn't get to step out for a lunch break until 3:30 (and I didn't even realize how late it was either, that's how busy I was with these crazy ass patients).

Soooo, by the time I got to east my food I was running on empty...I needed soy latte recharging in a major way. Naturally, I enjoyed my lunch with another venti soy latte, and then refilled the cup with plain soy milk from the bar (yes, I'm crafty like that).

I easily downed the second venti soy milk along with the raisins that I packed.

The remainder of work went similarly horrible...let's just say, I discharged my bipolar patient before I left for lunch and when my shift was over I was still dealing with him (oh, and did I mention the hospital security had to get involved). Awesome!

Clearly I was in NO mood to work out after the day I had. I left the hospital super late, I was exhausted, and all I wanted was to curl up with a soylicious treat. So I did.

2 vanilla silk soy milk bottles and a venti iced coffee...which I enjoyed as 3 servings

Here is the first one in a beer stein (check out how much of the venti iced coffee is still left)! After this I was ready to go to bed, but Kyle forced me to eat more...and I caved.

I had the rest of the raisin bran, which was 3 huge bowls with (you guessed it) MORE soy milk.

Then I had even more yogurt covered raisins. WAY too much food.

No gym + food coma = :(

Some days I just can't get moderation under control...I am a very all or none girl. One minute I am content with coffee, the next I'm downing my 4th dinner. Geez, talk about a bipolar day.

Ugh, some days I just DON'T like my job.

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