It’s that time of the year. Lent. I’ve been trying to think of what I should give up for a while now. I’m not very good with restrictions, it always seems to make me want something more when I know I can’t have it (forbidden fruit). Plus, nutritionally speaking, I’m in a pretty good place, balancing moderation with the occasional splurge (hey, I deserve it, I’m a hard working girl)!! So, with that in mind, I decided against giving up anything food related, and instead chose television. So, from now until April 11th, afternoon boob-toob-ing is out. Gasp! This is actually harder than it seems because on my days off I often have several days worth of crap TV to catch up on. And believe me, lounging on the couch with the obnoxious ladies of The View, The City, and all things Bravo is pretty awesome! But that’s the point of lent, right? I mean it has to be something I’ll miss.
Now that that’s out of the way, I have to say, today was kinda a mess of a day (food wise). I had to give myself a pep talk half way through the evening because I felt like $&^% about a variety of things. To start, my tummy was fighting with me from the second I opened my eyes this morning. No idea why.

This helped. This did not.
Coffee + WF’s vegan chocolate pudding! It might look a bit like poop, but it tastes like heaven :)
I woke up to a venti cup of caffeine love – a wonderful surprise from my perfect boyfriend. Since we have yet to replace our latest starbucks purchase errr…failure of a blend errr…AM crack, Kyle grabbed me the above life-saving coffee on his way back from his morning gym sesh. Savior with a capital S.
The pudding, on the other hand, was WAY too rich and sweet for that early in the morning. While it was what I was craving, it was a poor choice at 9 am.
Still, it was SO decadent and inviting, I couldn’t stop! I dipped some figs in it, too. The richness of the pudding combined with the natural sweetness of the figs was a divine combination.
Plus, you KNOW how I love using those cute little plastic spoons.
Ummm, yeah. TOTES OD’ed.
Figs are just so photogenic, though!

Here’s the cliff’s notes version of my brekkie:
Dried figs + vegan puddin’ = stomach ache
My solution was baking some ‘fu.
Easy peasy lunch prep for my upcoming work-filled weekend.
I tested some out for lunch today, just in case it was poisonous…
It wasn’t :)
I also had some apple slices with soynut butter. Ahhh, this stuff is SO effing good, like, lick-the-spoon-re-dip-it-and-lick-it-off-again, good.
I started to get a little queasy again after lunch so I got back in bed to rest. I ended up finishing my book, falling asleep, and then waking up because my stomach was killing me. It felt like there was a civil war going down between my spleen and my pancreas or something. UGH.
I didn’t take any more pics for the rest of the day because, let’s be real, ritz and puffins just aren’t that interesting.
Nursing myself back to health. Peace out.
Since I haven’t done a green post in a while: check out this site! If you are planning on moving or know anyone else who is, this company rents out green boxes that have been recycled over and over hundreds of times.